Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Reluctant Camper for The Telegraph online

'A family camping trip in Africa holds horrors from hungry wild animals to long-drop loos, but Claire – the latest expat stereotype created by Frances Woodhams – manages to make it bearable '

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Commission: Wedding Invitation for Bek & Rob

"WOW! We REALLY REALLY love it!!
Everything is just fab."  Bek

Friday, February 28, 2014

Emma The Gym Bunny for The Telegraph online

Illustrating the latest instalment from Frances Woodhams Kenyan expat stereotypes series:  Emma 'the pushy gym-goer who's out of tune with the rest of the aerobics class…'

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Mitumba Maven for The Telegraph online

'Sally teaches Georgina how to land a bargain at the clothing market'
illustrating an article written by Frances Woodhams for the Expat Stereotypes series in The Telegraph online